Meet the Mythical Monsters of Scrapbook and Junk Journaling – Featuring their Taylor Swift Layouts
It’s time for Monster Introductions! We here at Slowestuff have always believed in magic, and are lucky enough to have a few contributors to our little blog that are of the supernatural variety.
Keep reading to see each of the six monster junk journal layouts featuring their Favorite Taylor Swift Era (at least it was before The Tortured Poets Department was released!)

Through a series of *interesting* encounters, the six fantastical beings who make up the group called Mayhem Crafters discovered that each Monster likes to do paper crafting, specifically junk journaling and scrapbooking.
Mayhem Crafters
They decided to start a very unique Monster crafting group they call Mayhem Crafters and began to share their creations on various social media platforms. We approached them (verrrry carefully) to see if they wanted to add their journal layouts to the Slowestuff blog, and they agreed! This section of the blog will be dedicated to the Monster scrapbook journals or junk journal pages that they create.

The Monsters Of Mayhem Crafters
So without further ado, we are thrilled to do Monster Introductions of the six creatures who have a knack for turning old scraps into beautiful journal layouts. Meet our Dragon, Troll, Pukwudgie, Banshee, Ashina the Werewolf, and Kel the skeleton.
The Monsters recently did a Taylor Swift Eras series of layouts, so we have featured each of those here with their introductions! If you want more Taylor Swift, check out our post of gift suggestions from a Swiftie for Swifties!
Dragon: The Keeper of Treasured Memories
Our first mythical Monster is the awe-inspiring dragon. Trust us, he will be the first to tell you he is awe-inspiring. Dragon is fairly young, as dragons go, being just over 800 years old. These magnificent creatures have a deep-rooted history in various cultures, from the fire-breathing European dragons to the wise and benevolent Chinese dragons. Check out our post on The Year of the Dragon!
Our crafty Dragon is from what is now known as Scotland and has dragon friends all over the world. In the world of Mayhem Crafters junk journaling, Dragon is the ultimate collector of memories. Although he is not the oldest of the group, he is the one with the best recall and is an amazing historian.
His astrological sign is Virgo and he proves to be true to his sign. He is very intelligent (a well known Dragon trait) and although he can be critical of his fellow crafters (and humans!), he is exceedingly patient. This is a very helpful quality to have among a group of spirited creatures.
Monster Dragon – Folklore

Troll: The Earthy Crafter
Next up, we have Troll! Not the internet kind, but the monster who lives under a bridge kind (although Troll will adamantly tell you that he does NOT live under a bridge, but rather in a cozy cottage, thankyouverymuch).
Trolls have roots in Norse mythology and are often associated with the rugged landscapes of Scandinavia, so he is surprisingly good at creating a cozy vibe. Troll loves to add a touch of the mystical by using earthy tones and textures and incorporating materials like twine and leaves to create journals that feel like they belong in a fairy tale forest. We consider him kind of like a forest ranger, as he is friends with all the woodland creatures and watches over all areas of his woods.
He is a good-natured grump (he IS a troll, after all) who entertains all the monsters with his unintentionally funny comments and antics. He loves to do his crafting, so when another monster suggests doing a layout challenge, like Kel did for Taylor Swift Era layouts, he will happily participate, even though he will complain about it the entire time.
Monster Troll – Evermore

Puk the Pukwudgie: The Trickster Journaler
Pukwudgies hail from the Wampanoag tribe’s folklore in North America and are known for their mischievous antics. They are known for their playful nature, but BEWARE! Although it seems lighthearted, this monster is known to lead a fun activity….right to the participants demise.
He has an amazing garden and often features garden elements in his junk journal spreads, but like with anything involving Puk, it requires caution. Most of the garden is poisonous, as he cultivates the poison to use on his arrows. Check out his post inspired by a poison garden!
Pukwudgies are highly magical creatures, and our Puk is no exception. His magical ability, along with his tendency to be a trickster, keeps the other monsters on their toes. He is cautious around other magical creatures, however, after he made the bad decision to play a trick on a powerful sorceress who turned his normally grayish-colored skin red. He has not figured out how to turn it back yet, and he is self-conscious about it, so he uses things he finds in his territory to try and cover it up.
His journal layouts often appear playful and whimsical, but if you look closely, there is usually a hint of a sinister element included.
Monster Puk – Rep

Banshee: The Hauntingly Beautiful Scrapbooker
In Irish folklore, banshees are considered harbingers of death, with their infamous screams signaling the upcoming death of a loved one. Check out our post of amazing Irish books for more on all things Irish!
Our Banshee is actually quite soft-spoken and quiet (we definitely do not want to hear her scream) and loves the sense of family our little crafting group gives her. We don’t know how old she is, but according to Dragon, she is ancient. This is quite a bold statement coming from this monster group!
Our ethereal beauty is the introvert of the group and is always cold, so you will often find her reading with a cup of her beloved coffee or having deep conversations with Dragon. Many of her layouts follow her ethereal nature, but she also loves to do layouts featuring her favorite color – purple.
Monster Banshee – 1989 (Taylor’s Version)

Ashina the Werewolf: The Journaling Shapeshifter
The youngest member of our supernatural group is our hot-headed werewolf, Ashina!
Werewolf monster legends span various cultures, with stories of shape-shifters appearing throughout history. Throughout, they are known as creatures of transformation ruled by the moon. You will often see images or references to the moon in Ashina’s layouts, along with settings reflective of her favorite places around her territory.
She is a werewolf from a pack whose territory borders one of the locations the monsters meet to work on their journals. Their first encounter happened when they came to investigate, and after an *intense* first meeting, she showed back up the next time with some supplies in hand (paw). She fits right in now, even if the monsters do have to listen to her pack howl at them the whole time she is here.
Monster Ashina – Midnights Era

Kel the Skeleton: The Artist from Beyond
Last but not least, we have the “mom” of the group, Kel the skeleton. Kel is the creature we know the least about, and is possibly the rarest monster of them all. Dragon has been trying for years to figure out exactly how she was re-animated, but is no closer to knowing now than he was when they first met.
Kel takes care of everyone, is the ultimate hostess, and, given her slightly quirky nature, can be sweet one moment and very….not sweet….the next. Even with her maternal nature, she often can be almost child like at times, and all the other monsters respect her, fear her a little, and watch out for her. She is a die-hard (no pun intended) Swiftie and a girly girl, so in addition to seeing a touch of macabre in some of her layouts, you will also see a lot of pink!
Monster Kel – Fearless

Well, that’s it! That is the motley crew that makes up the monsters of Mayhem Crafters. We hope you follow along to learn about their shenanigans and to enjoy and be inspired by their junk journal and scrapbook layouts!
Their section of the blog, which features all of their layouts along with scrapbook and junk journal inspiration and ideas, can be found here!
Crafty friends! Join us on Tik Tok and YouTube!!
Mayhem Crafters, a division of Slowestuff
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It was a pleasure to meet all the monsters and see all their journalling antics. Thanks for sharing!