The Seven Year Slip is a cute & endearing book with a little time travel flavor added to make it more interesting. All combined, these elements make for a great little book!
Keep reading to see our full Seven Year Slip Book Review and why it is perfect to take to the beach this year.

This is a book blog post featuring The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston, with our book review and discussion, plus book recommendations for other books we think you might enjoy.
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Slowprose Review Format
Generally speaking, we don’t think of ourselves as “serious” reviewers, so our format may be a little different. Here is what to expect when you are reading Slowprose book reviews:
- Cover Review – doing the cliche of judging a book by its cover.
- Book Blurb – we share the book jacket or Goodreads blurb about the plot.
- Intrusive Thoughts – these are the general thoughts and feelings we have about the book while reading it.
- Book review – our overall review and star ranking of the book
- Book aesthetics – this is how gorgeous we thought the pages of the book were, or how easy/hard it was to read, or how good the narrator was if it is an audio book.
- Book recommendations – we talk about the author’s other books or other books that remind us of this book in some form or fashion. Basically, this is our catch-all to talk about anything else that we want to.
To see our full review system, including our method of assigning and weighting stars, go here.
COVER REVIEW – The Seven Year Slip

The Seven Year Slip gets 3.5 stars for this cover.
Ok, to be honest, the entirety of our 3.5 rating for this cover is because of the color. We love a bright, cheerful, eye-catching yellow and immediately love it for that reason.
We do like the script font and how easy it is to read, so that adds to it. Other than the color and the lettering, the rest of this cover is lost on us.
But the color! Love!
BOOK BLURB – The Seven Year Slip
Given our extreme irrational fear of ever being a spoiler of an epic plot twist, we will just share the book insert or book blurb found on Goodreads to provide the information in terms of the plot:
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston
Sometimes, the worst day of your life happens, and you have to figure out how to live after it.
So Clementine forms a plan to keep her heart safe: continue being an overworked book publicist, find someone decent to love, and try to remember to chase the moon. The last one is silly and obviously metaphorical, but during her late night talks in the kitchen of her late aunt, she always told her that you needed at least one big dream to keep going.
After the death of her beloved aunt, that perfectly planned future has gone off without a hitch. Mostly. The love part is hard because she doesn’t want to get too close to anyone—she isn’t sure her heart can take it.
The upper east side apartment in New York City that Clementine’s aunt owned is now Clementine’s. One day, she finds a strange man standing in the kitchen of her aunt’s old apartment. A man with kind eyes and a Southern drawl and a taste for lemon pies. The kind of man that, before it all, she would’ve fallen head-over-heels for. And she might again.
Except, he exists in the past. Seven years ago, to be exact. And she, quite literally, lives seven years in his future.
Her aunt always said the apartment was a pinch in time, a place where moments and a temporary roommate blends together like watercolors. And Clementine knows that if she lets her heart fall, she’ll be doomed.
After all, love is never a matter of time—but a matter of timing.
The Seven Year Slip – Intrusive Thoughts
Ohh love the little mystery/supernatural aspect with the magical realism.
Wasn’t expecting grief to be woven in. It does add a bit of character complexity.
Don’t we all wish something like this was something we could experience? Like a door to another dimension or time or something? Just for a brief moment?
Lemons, ok that is why the yellow cover. But I still think of pineapples!
Turns into hunka hunka mysterious man.
Love how friendships are portrayed here.
Ok, the time travel aspect is a wee bit shaky but this book is fun so I am just rolling with it.
Cute Cute Cute.
Light and airy, sweet and cute.
Oh! A little cool twist! Wasn’t even thinking along those lines!
I’m not mad about it!

Slowprose Star Rating – 3.5 Stars
Our overall feeling about this book is that it was cute!
We don’t have synesthesia, so maybe it is because of the cheerful yellow cover, but when we think of this book we think of a pineapple upside down cake. This book is like that, but in literary aesthetics.
Sweet, cute, light, and perfect for summer.
If you are looking for spice, this isn’t the romance novel for you. It is quite sweet and pretty innocent love story, with some fairly light love scenes. Other than the aspect of the book that touches on Clementine’s grief and mental health issues, we can’t think of any other trigger warnings for this book.
Coming from a reader who doesn’t necessarily gravitate towards romance books, we liked this one. Both of the main characters are interesting, and we didn’t find them annoying at all. The banter is fun and funny, and they are actually quite believable. It is definitely a contemporary romance, with lots of modern day references, cadence, and concepts.
It touches on heavier subjects like grief and the complexity of friendships, but with a light touch. They are part of the story, and do make it a bit more nuanced, but the author does a good job of not weighing the book down.
Honestly, the best part of the book for us was the time travel aspect of the magical apartment, and wondering what time she would be in at any given moment. It isn’t super in depth, like you would see in a Blake Crouch book, for example, but it is enough to carry this story.
Take this one to the beach or to the pool!
Slowprose Star Rating – 3.5 Stars

We read the physical book, and positively flew through it. Super easy read.
The time travel aspect of The Seven Year Slip was pretty easy to follow – we tend to get a little mixed up when time travel happens in books, and have to put it down to kind of think through how the timelines work – but this one was fairly easy. Albeit a little shaky in having it work, scientifically or timeline speaking, but whatever! This is a fun book!
Slowprose Feature – Book Content Creator Corner
If you have read any of our book reviews before, you know we love to feature other book creators!
For this review, we are featuring the book blog: What Is Quinn Reading? We thought her comments on this book were interesting, considering what her thoughts were on Ashley Poston’s The Dead Romantics. Check out her full review here!
She also has great tips for reading more books because she reads 100+ books a year! What! That is crazy impressive.
Definitely go check out her blog, she has soooo many good things over there!
Ashley Poston’s Other Book:
As mentioned, Ashley Poston is the author of The Dead Romantics, a very popular book released in 2022. It was a Good Morning America Book Club Pick and a New York Times best seller. So if you loved The Seven Year Slip, you might want to check that out!
Other Book Recommendations:
In addition, two VERY DIFFERENT books came to mind when we read this one.
First – in terms of the time travel romance angle, we were reminded of the achingly romantic The Time Traveler’s Wife.
Such a great book, this heartwarming story stayed with us years after we read it. It does the somewhat confusing time travel aspect of these stories, really really well.
Second – The other book is a wee bit more edgy.
It doesn’t have anything to do with time travel, but it deals with a romance involving a chef, similar to the main character romance in The Seven Year Slip. BUT, it just so happens that the two are both serial killers. For a much MUCH spicier romance, with no time travel but plenty of guts and gore, check out Butcher & Blackbird. Lots of trigger warnings for this one!!
We will link the physical book, but it would be a disservice of us not to recommend you listen to this book. It is an incredible audiobook!
You can find these and more in our storefront, Slowestuff Books From The Blog storefront.

Seven Year Slip Book Review
We hope you enjoyed our The Seven Year Slip Book Review by Ashley Poston. If you pick it up, let us know what you thought of it once you read or listened to it!
If you know of other perfect summer reads that you think we will love, please let us know what they are. We love to get book recs from fellow readers!
If you want more book posts, check out the Slowprose section of the blog where we have more book reviews, book lists, favorite authors and more. If you are looking for beach reads, we have a post of great beach reads like Elin Hilderbrand as well as amazing beach reads that are not romance stories.
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